Mr. Hiawatha Williams, Owner & Founder of Williams Chicken in Dallas, Texas, will be celebrating 38 years of business in April 2025. As part of an early celebration of that incredible milestone, Mr. Williams, and the good people of Williams Chicken, hosted the 2024 Community Christmas Party (Oak Cliff Style) charity event. Now in its 10th year and counting, the event was held at the Hiawatha Williams Recreation Center in Dallas.
Change for Change Christmas Toy Giveaway
For the last 10 years, Williams Chicken and the volunteers who have graciously donated their time, talents, and efforts to make the Williams Chicken CHANGE for Change Community Christmas Party a reality, have served up joy, love, and gifts to nearly 20,000 children and families in our local community during the holiday season.

Generous support from our sponsors has allowed us to help make Christmas a much happier time for children once again. Because of the efforts of our donors and volunteers, we were able to provide over 600 families with toys, bikes, gift cards and meal cards. The event was a tremendous success!

Hot Rod Connects, led by Mr. Rodney Baker, helped raise over $50,000 for this life changing event that directly benefits deserving children in our local communities. We are honored to be part of this effort and look forward to continuing to serve others for many years to come.
Would you like help raising funds for your event? If so, then use the button below to contact Rodney Baker for more information.